Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The end of the one state solution

For many years now, fierce opponents of Israel have advocated their "one-state" solution. They claim the only just solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the establishment of a single bi-national state encompassing all areas of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. This Chomskyite solution, is in reality no different from the jihadist goal of eliminating the Jewish state from existence. Whereas Iran and Hamas propose to destroy Israel through bombs and rockets, the Chomskys of this world propose to eliminate it by creating another arab state, this one with a Jewish minority.

And now, as civil war breaks out between Hamas and Fatah the situation on the ground has changed. While some have worried that the only real solution - the "two-state" solution will no longer be viable, the events of recent weeks have, in reality, done more to ensure the end of the "one-state" solution.

As Palestinians butcher and massacre each other, throw each other off multi-story buildings, commit knee-cappings and shoot hospital patients in the head, the question of whether Israelis and Palestinians could live together in peace in a single bi-national state is rendered moot - the Palestinians cannot even live with themselves in peace, let alone their sworn enemies.


Anonymous said...

Here, here Mertel.....

Anonymous said...

People should read this.